Wednesday 5 July 2017

#56 Cross-Fit update July


Max reps of chin-ups without stopping = 5

Max normal press ups = 25


Due to such a low amount of reps when doing chin-ups could move to AMRAC - which is as many reps as possible in a certain time. Perhaps try doing as many chin-ups in a minute?

Goals to have achieved by next month

Set baseline against 2 cross-fit work-outs from here.

Get up to 7 chin-ups without stopping.

Set a baseline for chin-ups in a minute.

Get up to 30 press-ups without stopping.


June 6th 2017 vs July 5th 2017              


  1. Health and wealth are very similar, right? It is all about disciplined repetition. It is not easy to eat well, exercise daily, save money, invest wisely...but a disciplined person can.

    I Crossfit in NYC. I am trying to build wealth while living in a very costly NYC. It takes discipline.

    Well done. Keep up the great work.

    1. Pretty cool to have someone comment on here from USA!

      Very true, the clarity of purpose and discipline to follow through with that is very similar. Have made good progress financially over the last 18 months hopefully I can apply that same dedication to fitness.

      Crossfit certainly seems to be pretty mainstream in the US!

      Never been to NYC but I imagine it's expensive as hell! and, based on films :), full of things which can distract from both saving and fitness!

  2. This is where the (high) cost of the classes in an actual CrossFit box pays huge dividends. There is nothing like the community aspect of classes in a box in terms of being able to push yourself and motivate by people with your same goals and purpose.

    1. Yeah I've seen quite a lot around this, and certainly the idea of a class is very appealing.

      I had considered this but then thought I would make myself do it on my own for 3-6 months to prove I could stick at it before forking out any money.

      Right now I'm thinking of trying to get some of my friends from the village to workout together, as I do believe one of the hardest things is going to be pushing myself to the limit on my own.

  3. I've recently started working out myself. Currently working on bulking up and heart health (plenty of food, lifting, and a bit of cardio).
    I can see the results. Keep it up.

    1. Good to hear you're seeing results, how long until you noticed a significant change? Have you altered what you ate and drank a lot from prior - that's the hardest part for me.
